Dr. Mike Dadson relates, “A multifaceted approach is important to change the devastating statistics of suicide in men”.
1. Promotion of mental health awareness.
By raising awareness about men’s mental health issues, including their risk of suicide, challenging existing stereotypes and to normalize help-seeking by men, can encourage them to seek support when needed.
2. Expanding and accessing mental health resources.
Increasing the availability and accessibility of mental health services tailored to the needs of men, can help reduce the barriers to care faced by men. This includes providing culturally competent and gender-sensitive counseling options.
3. Suicide prevention programs.
Implementing evidence based, suicide prevention programs for men can include improving their mental health literacy, enhancing awareness of coping skills and fostering development of their social support networks.
4. Specific interventions for men.
We can improve engagement and outcomes with tailored interventions targeting men such as.Using this approach, men’s unique experiences, challenges, and preferences, are taken into account and can be a valuable asset reaching and assisting men in need.
The Multilevel Suicide Prevention Intervention Model for Men: Oliffe, Han, Ogrodniczuk, Phillips, and Roy:
Oliffe et al, propose a model that is comprehensive, combining individual, relationship, community, and societal-level interventions to address the prevention of suicide in men. The model emphasizes the importance of targeting the various factors contributing to suicide risk in men and highlights the need for a multi-faceted approach.
The Man Box: Kimmel and Mahalik:
This study explores of the impact traditional masculinity norms can have on men’s mental health, including their vulnerability to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
This research highlights the importance of challenging and transforming masculinity norms for suicide prevention and provides insights surrounding the detrimental effects of rigid gender expectations on men’s well-being.
The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS):
Developed by Jobes, this CAMS framework focuses on assessing and managing suicidality by fostering a collaborative therapeutic relationship between the clinician and the individual who is at risk. CAMS emphasizes a personalized and empathetic approach that involves understanding the individual’s subjective experience and collaboratively developing a safety plan.
The Safety Planning Intervention: Stanley and Brown
This Safety Planning intervention is a short and structured approach to suicide prevention. This approach involves working collaboratively with the individual at risk, to develop a safety plan that identifying possible warning signs, coping strategies, and their supportive contacts.
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